Thursday, June 24, 2010

Left out of census? Contact zonal offices

PUNE: Residents of the Pimpri-Chinchwad area have been told to contact the zonal offices of the municipal corporation by June 30, if they have been left out of the census information gathering process.

The enumerators involved in the census work will visit houses of such residents to gather the required information, PCMC officials said. Subhash Dumbre, city census officer and additional commissioner, PCMC, said, "Around 85 per cent of the first phase of the census work has been completed. The second phase is expected to begin after the monsoon." Those left out of the census process can contact the zonal offices between 10 am and 5.45 pm. They will have to furnish details regarding their name, address and telephone/mobile numbers. The enumerator will then be sent to their residence.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

NID helps make census 2011 brighter, better

NEW DELHI: The bright yellow survey questionnaires for census 2011’s ongoing house-listing phase are not just the census office’s way of breaking away from the drab off-white forms of the past, but a well-considered ploy to improve data collection.

The Census Commissioner’s office has sought professional help to design their schedules and questionnaires for the first time. For over a year before the census exercise began this April, the National Institute of Design (NID) has worked extensively to make the household survey forms more effective and amenable to gathering quality data. The institute is now designing the survey forms for Census’ next phase of population enumeration, which begins in 2011.

For the household survey forms, NID not only gave advice on the layout, colours, fonts and printing technology, but also advised the Census Commissioner on the sequencing of questions. The most interesting tweak in the new census forms — a unique bar code for each form — is also an NID idea. The dominant yellow colour on the forms, for instance, was chosen because it reflects light and can help surveyors fill up forms properly even in poorly-lit houses. Moreover, the bright colour is also expected to reduce interviewers’ and citizens’ fatigue while covering the 34 columns with several detailed queries.

“The colour yellow is believed to be soothing to the naked eye, it works in varying light conditions that enumerators have to deal with and it also supports most ink colours,” said senior NID faculty Rupesh Vyas, who steered the census project. Vyas’ mandate was to reduce human error, reduce fatigue for interviewers and make the data user-friendly . Something as elementary as a respondent’s birth date was filled by enumerators randomly. This would make it difficult for digital scanners to extract data in the correct format. “We have specifically said that date of birth must be in DD/MM/YYYY format,” Vyas explained.

To reduce human error in filling the data, the NID enlarged the text boxes to fill in responses to a standard 6 mm-7 mm each. This is way above the international standard of 3 mm for a scanner to read text characters. The 2.5 million Census surveyors have also been trained to write numbers in a standardised Arabic font.

NID also advised the Census office to pre-print the fields of state, city and district to avoid mixing up forms from different zones. To ease the logistics of stacking up millions of forms, the left top edge of the schedule has been slit. This simple change ensures that all the forms are stacked the right side up. Fonts and headers have been used to highlight different aspects of the questionnaire. “For instance, amenities and assets owned by the household were put under one category earlier. Now we have put them in different ones in order to avoid confusion,” Vyas said.

To make it easier for respondents to answer questions, the questionnaire has also been altered. “We did extensive research on the design of the questionnaire and advised the Census office to put the complicated, sensitive and detail-seeking questions towards the end of the questionnaire ,” Vyas said.

Before NID’s design ideas were taken on board, the census office printed 20-lakh forms for a trial run of the new design. “These schedules went to different areas of the country for field checks and also to the census offices all across the country,” a Census official said. Vyas has earlier worked on the multipurpose national identity card (MNIC) project of the home ministry — which the Unique ID Authority of India is set to replicate.

Monday, June 21, 2010

फोन कर घर बुलाएं जनगणनाकर्मी को


शहर में अभी भी ऐसे कई लोग हैं जो अपने घर जनगणनाकर्मी के आने का इंतजार कर रहे हैं। रचना नगर, शक्ति नगर, राजीव गांधी प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय (आरजीपीवी) कैंपस सहित शहर के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में बसे परिवार जनगणना से छूट गए हैं। पिछले डेढ़ महीने में कोई भी जनगणनाकर्मी इनके घर नहीं पहुंचा। अब इन लोगों को चिंता सता रही है कि कहीं जनगणना में नाम छूट गया और विशिष्ट परिचय पत्र न बना तो इन्हें किसी परेशानी का सामना न करना पड़े।

नहीं पहुंचा कोई जनगणनाकर्मी :

आरजीपीवी कैंपस में रहने वाले प्रोफेसर संजीव शर्मा का परिवार पिछले डेढ़ महीने से कहीं नहीं गया। इनके घर अभी तक कोई जनगणना कर्मचारी नहीं पहुंचा। इनका कहना है कि कैंपस में सौ से ज्यादा परिवार रहते हैं। यदि कैंपस में कोई भी जनगणना कर्मी पहुंचता तो इनके घर भी आता। इसी तरह की शिकायतें शहर के अन्य क्षेत्रों के रहवासियों की भी हैं।

जिला जनगणना अधिकारी कलेक्टर निकुंज कुमार श्रीवास्तव ने बताया कि जो लोग जनगणना से बच गए हैं उनके लिए एक बार और प्रयास किया जाएगा। जिला जनगणना अधिकारी विकास मिश्रा का कहना है कि घर पर न मिलने वाले लोग ही जनगणना से बचे होंगे। जनगणना कर्मचारी मंगलवार को अंतिम दिन ऐसे घरों में जाकर एक बार फिर निरीक्षण करेंगे। वहीं जो लोग जनगणना से बच गए हैं, वह नगर निगम के जनगणना प्रभारी, जोनल अधिकारियों, नगर निगम व कलेक्टोरेट के कंट्रोल रूम पर फोन कर भी सूचना दे सकते हैं।

प्राथमिकता से शामिल होंगे छूटे लोगजनगणना का सामान जमा करने की अवधि 23 से 27 जून तक रखी गई है। नगर निगम जनगणना अधिकारी मयंक वर्मा का कहना है कि किसी कारण से जनगणना से वंचित रह गए लोगों की सूचना मिलने पर इन्हें प्राथमिकता से जनगणना में शामिल किया जाएगा। मंगलवार को जनगणना के संबंध में वीडियो कॉन्फ्रेंसिंग के जरिए भी समस्याओं और समाधान पर चर्चा होगी।

इन नंबरों पर करें फोनकलेक्टोरेट कंट्रोल रूम 2538723नगर निगम कंट्रोल रूम 2701000 2701001, 2701002

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Census cover to keep terrorist slur at bay

New Delhi: Muslim groups are treating Census 2011 with the utmost seriousness, hoping it will shield community members from harassment by police who often falsely brand them Pakistani agents or illegal immigrants.
From the conservative Jamaat Islami and Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind to the “modernist’’ Association of Muslim Professionals, they have all appealed to Muslims to participate in the exercise that will lead to every Indian being handed a unique identity card — “an indirect proof of citizenship”.
The Association of Muslim Professionals has issued guidelines urging Muslim families to carefully provide every detail to the census officials and double-check them. The guidelines are being pasted in mohallas and marketplaces, and are even being read out after the Friday prayers in some areas.
“Muslims have to be extra careful since every Muslim is being looked upon as a potential terrorist,” Farookh Ahmed of Jamiat Ulema said. “If a Muslim fails to get the unique ID, it can make his life really miserable. So we are requesting every Muslim to get themselves registered.”
The guidelines mention the dates on which the census is to be carried out in the various states and Union territories and give detailed advice on how Muslims should go about getting themselves registered by the enumerators.
“A responsible person from every family should write the names of the family members with correct spelling, address and dates of birth on a piece of paper and tell the census officials to register all these details according to it,” the guidelines say.
Explaining the procedure of getting the I-cards, they say: “Each and every household will be given an acknowledgement slip at the time of enumeration which has to be saved carefully for further use.”
The Muslim organisations have also formed volunteer groups that will accompany the enumerators and help the Muslim families provide all the census details, especially the uneducated households. “The important fields to check include spellings, nationality and dates of birth, etc,” the guidelines say.
The guidelines ask families to give clear answers to all the listed questions: “Do not understate or overstate things.”
Households should complain to the district collector if they are overlooked during the census, the guidelines say, adding that backward Muslims should choose the OBC option in the OBC/SC/ST column.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Four-week extension for Census in Mumbai

The BMC has announced that the first phase of the national census will extend and continue for another four weeks. It was due to end on the Wednesday.
BMC are done with most of the works, the extension will help them work on the remaining houses that is just in the tune of 10%.They could not do the counting as the houses were locked during the designated period.
The first phase of work started from 1st of May and ended on 15th of June. It included house-listing, and data entry of the national population register. BMC found 6% of the houses which were locked permanently.
Manisha Mhaiskar, the additional municipal commissioner said that the major bulk of the census work had been done barring 10%of the hoses which were found closed due to the vacation. But as most of the schools reopened on Monday families are expected to return from vacation within a couple of week .The centre had given permission to extend the period of work by another 4 weeks. They have also started their help lines simultaneously so that if required people can call up the corporation’s enumerators for enrolling their names had they been left out during the time of counting.
Mhaiskar added that the enumerators will try to contact the citizens who haven’t been enumerated.
The Bombay Municipal Corporation had also decided to reduce its scale of operation. It will reduce the number of enumerators for the remaining 10% needed to be enumerated. Mahiskar stated that they will employ health department officials to enumerate for the next four weeks.
This is the 15th census being carried out in India and the seventh in independent India. The census will be carried out in phases.

2011 census kicks off in Jharkhand

The 2011 census kicked off in Jharkhand Tuesday with the listing of Governor M.O.H. Farook in the National Population Register (NPR).
Jharkhand's census director Sunil Kumar Burnwal, went to the governor's house and got the census form filled by him.
'We have deployed 60,000 people for the census 2011 programme,' Burnwal said.
The first phase of census will be of 45 days, which includes listing of houses and making entries in the NPR.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Legislators, NGOs in Nagaland briefed on Census

The ongoing process of 2011 census will be a milestone for Nagaland and the biggest data bank said director of census operations, government of India, Hekali Zhimomi while presenting a power point presentation in Kohima today.
The Director Census Operation gave a briefing on the census 2011 before the Joint Parliamentary Working Committee of the 11th Nagaland Legislative Assembly and the representative of the Civil Society started their joint meeting on the crucial Naga political issue at the Zonal Council Hall today.
Giving a brief history and the importance of census in the history of the world, the country and Nagaland, Hekali pointed out that the state had rejected the 2001 census based on the September 30, 2009 resolutions as the census figure was highly inflated and so not acceptable to the state. She also talked on the importance of correct census and the National Population Register (NPR). Allaying any apprehensions among the people, she said census has nothing to do with the electoral roll.
During interactive session, legislators, representatives of Church and various organizations sought various clarifications on the ongoing census operation such as listing of houses of a multiple house owners and whether “kheti” huts would also be listed. The Church representatives reiterated their earlier commitment to assist in collecting correct 2011 census but at the same time reminded that Church doesn’t have much authority.
Chief minister, Neiphiu Rio intervening from time to time to clarify doubts during the session stressed on the need to have a correct and accurate census, so that government would not find difficulties during the perspective plans of various departments. He said there was a tendency of inflated listing in the last census and people went ahead with it without thinking of the consequences it could bring to the State planning.
He said it was not the time to continue to manipulate the census of population. “False listing of voters will not help in increasing the Assembly seats of any particular area,” he said reminding that multiple entries and any false information would be detected by the biometrics. He warned that defaulters would be deprived of their unique Identity Card facilities. Rio also maintained that Nagaland State was always treated as a special category state and would be taken care in a special manner irrespective of the census data.