The Centre has informed Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi that caste enumeration would start in June next and completed in a phased manner by September 2011.
"The enumeration of all castes will start from June 2011 and will be completed in a phased manner by September 2011 keeping in view the schedule of the general elections to be held in four states including Tamil Nadu," Union home minister P Chidambaram has said.
In a letter to Karunanidhi dated October 29, Chidambaram has said the Union cabinet on September 9 had approved the group of ministers' recommendation on carrying out a caste census.
Chidambaram was responding to a letter written by Karunanidhi to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in August, seeking to incorporate caste details in the ongoing census process.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Caste enumeration to start in June 2011 in Tamil Nadu
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